Monday, June 30, 2008

4th of July - Tour D'Amico

On the 4th of July, I rode in the Tour D'Amico. It was a bike ride from Eden Prairie to Excelsior to Wayzata to Minnetonka/Hopkins and back to Eden Prairie --- visiting D'Amico restaurants along the way.
Riding through Orono and the big fancy houses on Lake Minnetonka.

First stop at D'Amico's in Wayzata. Got here in just under 2 hours and had already ridden 25 miles!! We had lemonade and cookies and oranges.

Forgot my helmet and my water bottle!! Good thing it wasn't too hot and nobody was driving on the road trying to run me over. Thought about detouring off the course to stop at my house to pick up my missing stuff. Rode within 1 mile of my house!! But by then, I was at mile 35 (or so) and figured I was almost done & no one had screamed at me for not wearing a helmet so it really didn't matter!! (Everyone was jealous of my fancy bike gear . . . )
Back in Eden Prairie after riding 45 miles in just over 3 hours!! It's time to eat lunch!!
Pasta and fruit salad.
And sandwiches and chips . . .
Yummy lemon bars and brownies!! That's why we ride!!